St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church accepts donations through weekly offerings to support the needs of the parish through the building fund for the future of our parish, on-going maintenance, the annual cemetery fund and memorial flowers donations.
Weekly Offertory, or Collection: The Divine Liturgy / Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support from the parishioners, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His Church.
Building Fund / Maintenance Donations: God's house here at St. Michael's was built in 1987. Many of the systems not only require maintenance but also need to be replaced. Help us be good stewards of His Church by maintaining all that He has given us.
Cemetery Bi-Annual Collection / Annual Fund: St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church Cemetery is the final resting place where family and friends can come visit our deceased loved ones. Many families come to walk, meditate or just enjoy the unspoiled surroundings that make up the grounds and share special thoughts, words, and celebrate holidays with them by placing flowers on Valentine Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, as well as hang Christmas ornaments and place Easter Pysanky during the Holy seasons. Many tombstones and markers are in Ukrainian. There are still some open areas where grave lots and family plots can still be purchased. The cemetery will always be a place for generations to come and visit family members and friends who have passed in tranquility. Your cemetery donation lessens the burden of maintaining the cemetery grounds.
We are sincerely grateful for your donations, contributed to the glory of God and for the good of our parishes. Щиро дякуємо за Ваші пожертви на славу Божу і для добра наших парафій.